Landscaping Inspiration
This winter, instead of hunkering down indoors and thinking about shoveling snow, consider some landscaping inspiration! It’s the perfect time of year to grab some books, or go online, and start planning your landscaping transformation.
It may seem strange to start planning in the dead of winter, but it’s actually the time of year when landscape architects and landscapers get busy drafting plans and creating project timelines.
While you can spend hours falling in love with all sorts of shrubs, plants, and flowers, it’s important to know what will work on your property. Here are few key elements to consider when looking for your landscaping inspiration:
Pinterest is great for inspiration, but your zone/region is key
You may find all sorts of gorgeous photos online, and you may want to replicate what you see — but it all depends on your zone or region.
Plant hardiness zones indicate which plant species will grow in our area. These zones are extremely important factors to consider when selecting your plants. Natural Resources Canada has a great website to assist you in determining which plants will do well in your area. Click here to view their recommendations.
An expert landscaper or landscape architect is also a great asset in determining the best plants, flowers, and trees for your property.
Plant colours and seasonality
It’s lovely to have a property that features plants and flowers in a variety of colours, but it takes talent to select the best options. An expert will be able to guide you in selecting the types of plants in colours that you like, while at the same time considering when each plant will bloom.
You want to be sure that you have different plants flowering at different times so that your gardens and landscaping doesn’t look busy one month and empty the next.
Plant height and width
Consider how much space you have to work with and what you are hoping to achieve. Some plants work well together and others will become quite large over time.
Ask yourself:
- Do I want to create privacy?
- Do I want to hide a particular feature on my property?
- Do I want to showcase an area on my property?
- Do I want to utilize space for entertaining, quiet relaxation, etc.? How can I do that?
- What do I see when I am in my house? How can I make that image more attractive year-round?
The species of plants are only important in completing the overall effect you are looking for. Size, shape, and colour all combine to create a flowing, pleasing landscape that works year round…including winter.
We, at Green Thumb Landscaping are not landscape architects. We are landscape contractors. We do work with some architects who are extremely talented. It’s easier to understand when you think of building a house — the architect designs and we build. The architect designs the home and the builder makes the plan into reality.
We’d be happy to start the conversation and then implement your plan. Contact us to get started.