Spring is in the Air!

 In Blog, Spring


An early start to our spring clean ups. Good thing!

The grass is already starting to grow (along with dandelions and other wonderful unwanted weeds and insects).  We are here to help you keep your property in the best shape with some tips on how to achieve a beautiful property.


Dandelions and Lawn Weeds –

Given the restrictions on pest control products, we have to use what methods we can.  May is a good time to apply the first round of Fiesta providing the temperature is around 15 degrees. At least one other application will be needed to get some control.

Fiesta is a natural product and can be useful in controlling many weed varieties such as: dandelion, plantain, chickweed, thistle, white clover and black medic. There seems to be a run on a pretty little yellow flowered pest in our area.

It looks like a groundcover but beware! It gets everywhere. And you don’t know you’ve got it until you’ve got it!
The best way to remove that is sadly to dig it out by hand. Keep at it or it will just keep coming back. Persistence.

Fiesta is a good idea to keep weeds at bay but there needs to be more commitment than that. Mow the lawn weekly, water deeply and less frequently when there is a dry spell and topdress and overseed or slit seed annually.


About the Gypsy Moth…

Epic levels… not so epic. Warm spring weather has sped up the development of the gypsy moth larvae inside the egg masses. Trees that tend to be good hosts include Maples, Birch, Beech, Oak, Poplar, Willow, Linden, Cherry, Plum and Blue Spruce. Our  favourite arborist will be spraying in the next couple of weeks when the leaves emerge. He also injects to
control infestations where possible.

“2021 will be remembered as the year of the Gypsy Moth”
– Jennifer Llewellyn


Deep Root fertilize to keep your trees strong and healthy!

Spring is an excellent time to feed the trees. Trees that are cared for regularly with root feeding, maintenance pruning and watering will ward off insects and disease better and will cope much better during stress or an attack. Under the IPM regulations, a certified arborist can also use chemical control in the event of a pest or disease issue if they have been caring for your trees.



Lots to look out for this month. We’re here to help. Call us.
We’re here to make your life easier and your gardens beautiful!



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