Celebrate Arbor Day with Our Top Tree Picks!
Do you have a tree that’s not looking so good? It could be that it’s an Ash and it’s struggling to stay alive due to the Emerald Ash Borer. While you want to keep your Ash tree healthy with fertilizing, injections, and care, chances are pretty good that those emerald ash borers will eventually win. Although it’s hard to say goodbye to an old friend, now is an excellent time to select a replacement.
Choosing the right tree
Trees are truly beautiful. “I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.” — remember that old poem? I think of it every time I’m enjoying a hot summer day in the cool shade of my favourite tree.
Trees cut heating and cooling costs, help control pollution, and help to increase our property value. Here are some tips on how to choose the right trees for your property.
- Lot size
- Height and layout of your home
- Climate zone
- The amount of care you are willing to contribute
- Elements on your property, including: power lines running close to where you want to plant, other trees or shrubs nearby, sun or shade, if it’s near a pool or septic bed, if it’s close to neighbour’s fences (meaning branches will overhang their property)
My favourite trees include:
- Beech
- Gingko
- Red Maple
- Oak
- Hornbeam
These are all great trees that will live beyond your lifetime and into the next generations.
My favourite flowering trees, that welcome spring with beauty and gusto, include:
- Dogwood
- Eastern Redbud
- Chanticleer Pear
If you have a large area and a two or three story home, go ahead and plant a tree that will become large at maturity — but do some homework first. A fast growing tree will provide privacy quickly, but keep in mind that fast growing trees generally do not live as long as trees which grow at a more moderate rate. Fast growing trees are generally a softer wood and may not fare as well during wind storms.
Ornamental trees generally reach up to 35 feet. Some of the ornamentals flower beautifully and, although the flowering time may only be a few weeks, many ornamentals have other characteristics that keep them interesting all year long. Beautiful fall colours, textured leaves, and interesting bark certainly make up for a short blooming season.
Whichever tree you choose, please plant with the utmost care and ensure that you are keeping it well-watered while it adapts to its new home.
Green Thumb has been planting beautiful trees for more than 47 years. If you would like one of our experts to help you choose a new tree in celebration of Arbor Day, we would love to help. Give us a call.